Opening ceremony for new lattice-enclosed monuments and Mukhaiem Sanctuary roofing project completion

The Imam Hussain Shrine has held an opening ceremony for the new lattice-enclosed monuments and the completion of the roofing project of the Mukhaiem Sanctuary.

A great deal of people, including officials, attended the ceremony in which the custodian of the Imam Hussain Shrine, sheikh Abdul-Mehdi ElKerbela’i, delivered a speech in which he shed light on the importance of starting cultural, health, and educational projects that lead to serving people.”

ElKerbela’i added that the projects, such as roofing the Mukhaiem Sanctuary and building the Zainebian Mound Sanctuary, the Imam Hussain Shrine has been leading are to provide pilgrims with various services.

He expressed his thankfulness to the parties, such as governmental offices, ministries, and the city of Kerbela, that assisted the Imam Hussain Shrine and made it easy to execute the projects.


By: Mustafa Ahmed Bahidh

Photography: Mustafa EjJenabi

Translation: Mohammed ElObaidi
