Letter to sayyid Es-Sistani about 3500 ISIS-kidnapped women

  The representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority, sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala’e, met with a delegation of Yazidi activist jurists at the imam Hussein Holy Shrine. The delegation gave a letter to El-Kerbala’e to deliver it to the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority, his Eminence: sayyid Ali Al-Sistani, asking for help to contact the concerned authorities to liberate the kidnapped Yazidi women by ISIS. They also mentioned that there are over 3500 Yazidi women kidnapped, in addition to the ones who have recently been liberated after Falluja city and Jazirat Al-Khalidiya district were liberated from the ISIS. The delegation said further that the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority is the father of all Iraqi people and the one through whom everyone seeks refuge. Edited by: Wela’ Es-Seffar Translated by: Mohammed Alobaidi  
